Thursday, January 22, 2009

This past Saturday I had the oportunity to attend Evensong at Westminster Abbey in London. The Abbey was of course absolutely stunning, and although the service had a great boys choir, I cared nothing for it as I was concetrated on how distant from God I felt. Here I was in a glorious abbey, a place constructed for God and His pressence, listening to the Word of God, and yet I felt no connection whatsoever. I literally felt an deep cravass of emptiness inside of me. Realizing that I had lost my sense of the Divine left me feeling destitute and thristy. There is nothing more that I want at this moment than to feel His pressence.

But this feeling doesn't really just stem from that one experience within Westminster Abbey. As all feelings, there was a great deal leading of to this point. Like the fact that I have not received Communion (as in Catholic Communion) since the Fourth Sunday of Advent. In fact, I haven't even been inside a Catholic Church since then! So, to me, it's almost makes sense that I've lost my connection.

Hopefully when I attend Mass this weekend, I'll feel a little bit better about this.